Jamf Integration Instruction
How to integrate Jamf account with Dots' platform
Step 1
Create a new user account
- Log in to Jamf Pro.
- In the top-right corner of the page, click Settings
- Click System Settings.
- Click User Accounts & Groups
A list of Jamf Pro user accounts and groups is displayed.
- Click New
- Choose to Jamf Pro User and press Next
- Do one of the following:
- Add a Username, preferably with the name "Dots" for easy recognition later
- Choose the Read Computers permission option in the dropdown Auditor
- Add a Password (write it down as we will need it for the integration)
- Click Save.
Step 2
Integrate on Dots' platform
- Go to the Integration page in Dots' platform in the bottom left
- Find the Jamf integration and click Connect
- Approve the required permission
- Enter the following data:
- Domain URL - the company name as written in the URL (what comes before: .jamfcloud.com)
- Jamf login - The user account username
- Jamf password