This article explains how to create a delivery order through your Dotstech account.
- Login to your Dotstech account here.
- Click the big + button next to the search bar or, while on your Home Page, click the "Order Delivery" button in the "Create an order 🔥" section.
- Select where you would like your assets to be picked up from. There are 4 options available:
- Your employee
- Your location
- Dots Warehouse
- Another (custom) address
- After you have selected where you would like your assets to be picked up, a new "Deliver to" will appear. In that box, select where you would like to deliver your assets. Select where you would like to deliver your assets. You can choose from:
- Your employee
- Your location
- Another (custom) address
- Click "Continue".
- You may be asked to provide your pickup information by filling out the relevant form. If so, please do so, then click "Continue".
- You may be asked to provide your delivery information by filling out the relevant form. If that happens, please do so and then click "Continue".
- Select the assets you would like to have delivered, or skip this step.
- Provide information related to your assets. At this step, you can add or remove any assets previously selected. You can also add or remove any non-asset items (e.g., T-shirts, cups, hats, etc.) you would like to have delivered.
- Click "Continue".
- Tell Dots whether or not you have boxes to pack your order.
- If you have boxes, provide information about them. You can add as many boxes as you need for your delivery.
- If you don't have any boxes, select the "No, I need Dots to send boxes to pack my order" option and Dots will help you sort this out.
- Let Dots know if you have any batteries inside your package. If so, please also provide details about them.
- Click "Continue".
- Provide your shipping information by choosing:
- A delivery method, such as Standard delivery or Overnight delivery
- The requested pickup date
- Use the switch to indicate whether or not a receiver's signature is required. If required, you can provide the receiver's ID.
- Click "Continue".
- Provide your payment and billing information by selecting your payment method and your billing information.
- Click "Continue".
- Confirm your order. At this step, you can review your order and change any information you have provided before, if needed.
- Click "Finish".
After successfully completing step 18, you will see a confirmation popup that allows you to immediately view your newly created order by clicking the "View order details" button.